Listen ~ Observe ~ Trust … Your Spirit

You are the cornerstone to your spiritual foundation.

You are worth your work.

Your existence validates you

Freedom is YOU

You are the cornerstone to your spiritual foundation. You are worth your work. Your existence validates you Freedom is YOU

Spiritual Freedom is the foundation of my coaching method. When we are free to be who we are, it affords us the space to grow and evolve authentically. From this place, we can be a blessing to ourselves as well as others.


Tasha Matrez, Certified Spiritual Coach and Life Purpose Coach


  • Most Importantly, all sessions are centered around YOU.

  • YOUR goals. YOUR desires. YOUR life.


  • My communication style is casual and direct, yet considerate of the uniqueness of each client.


  • My coaching method is spiritually based and purpose driven; with a concentration on the ‘Inner YOU as the key to your Outer YOU in YOUR life. YOUR freedom is YOU!


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