Learning Heuristic Oracle
Asynchronous Course
Access content for 3-Weeks from date of enrollment
w/ Tasha Matrez
This course empowers learners to maximize the use of Oracle Cards for spiritual guidance, practical wisdom, divine communication, personal study and more. Heuristic Oracle is a pre-recorded course that is hands-on and interactive which the learner can take at a semi-self-pace.
📅Course Access Duration
Access to course content expires after 21 days (3wks) from date of purchase. Individual access accounts are setup
with a personal login and password that is required to complete purchase.
Bring your own oracle deck(s). You will get the most out of this course using your own deck for interactive assignments.
REG PRICE: $123.00
Video 1: Overview of Heuristic Oracle
Video 2: Divine Communication: You, Spirit & Otherworldly Beings
Video 3: Learning and Discovering for YOURSELF
Video 4: Personal Interpretation and Interactive Learning
Video 5: Interactive Guidance and Spreads
Video 6: Tasha’s Tic Tac Toe Spread
Video 7: More Interactive Learning-Closing
Bonus Video: Last Minute Extras