Happy New Year and Welcome to 2023!
I hope 2022 served you well. But if you don’t feel like it did, well kiss it goodbye or tell it to kiss your ass! Either way, we’re moving forward! Are we not? Yes! We are!
Some of you may already be familiar with SKB. Heeeey Good People! Welcome back and thank you so much for sharing space with me! As you can see, we are starting off the new calendar year with a refreshed website and new services. Many that know me, know that my personal coaching services have very well been looooong overdue. Shout out to all those who participated in my group coaching program within the last three years! Freedom is YOU Alumni! Woo Hoooo!
But if you’re new here, feel free to stop in every now and then for some inspiration if you find yourself in need of it.
Now let us move into our first message of the year! I found it very fitting that I use the Seed & Sickle Oracle Deck. I love oracle cards, btw, for those who don’t know already! Much of the SKB Encouraged inspiration will be coming from some of my favorite decks. From time to time, I may throw in a little bibliomancy interpreted messages or personal life story inspiration. But mostly, it will be my decks!
Today’s message is inspired by the Seed and Sickle Oracle Deck. I like this deck for today because each card has a Dusk aspect and a Dawn aspect.
I used the Dusk interpretation to glean what guidance we could use as we say goodbye to 2022 and the Dawn for 2023.
The Dusk encourages us to not allow any energies of 2022 to hold us back or keep us frozen in time; energetically, emotionally or spiritually. We would do well to practice whatever form of release that is necessary for our personal freedom. What does that look like for you?
Self-forgiveness? Releasing yourself from unfinished business or bringing it to a conclusion in a way that is healthy for you? Releasing yourself from the actions of others? Hey, I’m not gonna tell you what to do. This is YOUR life. But I will tell you that, your life is important enough for you to be free from anything that’s preventing you from living it fully.
Leaving things behind in 2022 does not equate to loss nor failure. 2023 gives us a chance to rework what can be worked better and move on to new connections and partnerships that support our growth and success. Mostly new a renewed connection and strengthened partnership with ourselves, so that our actions can align with our desires. Which takes me to our Dawn message…
Our Dawn message tells us that now is the time to be focused and driven on our personal paths. Don’t allow the distractions of 2022 and prior to be a hindrance to our success. Naturally, it’s easy to think distractions are external. But many of us would be surprised at how often we seek out distractions for a variety of reasons. If not surprised, likely unwilling to admit it aloud. Been there. Done that and I would say I got the T-shirt, but I was too distracted to get it.
Today, I was reminded of different times in the past where I slacked or didn’t put forth my best effort, all the while having full awareness of my potential. Laziness, procrastination, lack of motivation-we all have our reasons. I pinpointed mine a few years back. I realized I would not give ‘my all’ or ‘my best’ to a task because I didn’t want others to expect that standard of me. I wanted wiggle room to be fickle and moody. Because I can be. But then I came to realize that I was keeping that same energy with myself. That realization put me face to face with my own self-sabotage.
After reflecting on that this morning, I posted a simple status on my personal page; I AM MY OWN REASON.
Today, I ask myself and I encourage you to ask yourself, “What does ‘being my own reason’ look and feel like in my life?” It should feel awesome! It should feel NOTHING LESS THAN AMAZING!
Let’s all be our own reason in 2023 and let’s make it a good ass year!
Love and Blessings Good People!