your path is yours
As I take a moment to sit with the message that is being communicated via this week’s oracle card, I sit in silence allowing my intuition to feel it’s way through the depths of the message and return to me the words to convey. I look out the window and think to myself, how gloomy it looks and I find myself longing for the Sun and all its glory. It is in this longing that the words come to me.
While the Sun may not be visible to me in this moment, it does not rob the day of its validity. The light of day is still evident. Today may not be as bright as yesterday nor the day before, but it is day still. It is just as valid as yesterday and tomorrow is just as valid as today, each in their own space.
This week’s message is inspired by the card, YOUR PATH OF LIGHT from the Oracle of the Great Mystics deck.
Sometimes the way becomes foggy and it’s difficult to see as clearly as you’d like to. Challenges, fear and doubt, feel so strong now, though just 3 or 6 months ago you were feeling so sure of yourself and where you were headed. Currently, you may feel like the support you need is not there or not at the level you desire it to be. Or you may be looking at others’ experiences wondering what you’re missing. Which causes you to question if you’re on the right path.
You are. You are on YOUR path. I love that this card says YOUR Path of Light versus THE. That makes a whole world of difference. Your path is yours and the way will always be illuminated for you when you lean in to your personal connection to your highest self/oversoul. Trust in this connection. You can strengthen your trust by first validating your existence. Begin by just saying I AM. Nothing has to follow that right now. Just repeat it until you feel the power of it. Then begin to walk proudly in this declaration.
Continue to validate yourself WITHIN and you will return back to a place of divine self awareness. With self awareness, the path will always be illuminated—through the fog, through the mist, through the haze, through the darkness. Follow the light of your own awareness and clarity will return. The gloom will soon dissipate and you shall see the light of the Sun.