sleeping with the inner me
Most of us are aware that 2023 is a 7 year. The number 7 in Numerology carries the energy of spiritual growth, personal awakenings, quiet contemplation and introspection. This year will consists of much time spent in solitude and/or meditation. How we choose to navigate this 7 energy is really personal for each of us.
This week’s word is inspired by three beautiful cards from the African Goddess Rising oracle: Self-Sabotage, Shine and Awakening, represented by the Goddesses Mamlambo, Mama Djombo and Yemaya respectively.
In this message, we are being asked to take a deep look within ourselves to find where we may be suppressing our potential and robbing ourselves of our own glory. Allow me to share with you a few synonyms I found out in the Googlesphere for the word glory ? Among them were MAGNIFICENCE, SPLENDOR, MAJESTY, OPULENCE, BRILLIANCE, BEAUTY just to name a few. And I put those words in “all caps” for very obvious reasons.
What are we and what have we been saying to ourselves? Not only with our words but our actions or lack thereof. Are we fickle? Do we say we desire a thing or want to do a thing, but never start or complete the practical steps that bring about the full materialization or accomplishment of that thing? I’ll go ahead and raise my hand right here and just say “Ouch” because yeah, I’m hit and hollerin’. When I look at all the ways I have sabotaged my own goals, I have to look myself in the mirror and ask, Ok sooo… what do you really want? Like for real, for real?
For those of us who have ritual and prayers as part of our spiritual life, do we align ourselves with our set intentions, by implementing corresponding action and practical work? Or do we expect the candle work and the affirmations to move more energy than we are willing to?
What stories have we been feeding ourselves? Do we continually speak on the lack of support we have? Are we always giving voice to the perceived lack of love or good in the world? Do we always anticipate some form of betrayal, disappointment, failure? Are we telling ourselves that because this person has, we can never have? There are no good people left in the world? Do you constantly say to yourself how hard it is to find love, sincerity and genuineness? Listen, if sincerity is that hard for us to find without, it’s likely just as hard to genuinely find within. Most of us think that we are essentially “good people”. We often put a magnifying glass over our sincerity yet on other people’s faults. It’s natural. It even feels like survival. But it robs us of our own organic growth and evolution that can ultimately benefit us on so many levels.
We are not being chastised here with this message. Nor are we being rebuked for our honest feelings. But we are being encouraged to really look at how we communicate to and with ourselves. What stories do we consistently tell ourselves about our lives? What are we really speaking to our hearts?
We are being challenged this year to put the magnifying glass away and pick up the mirror instead. What do YOU see when you look at YOU, deep within the nooks, crannies and crevices? Let us begin to sweep away the dirt and the cobwebs so we can get to the glory and the brilliance within .
No one outside of us can dim a light that we ourselves refuse to let shine. Let us wake up what lies hidden within us. The best way to do this is to truly focus on our INNER ME and let the outer world reflect it in the most amazing way, through a wondrous life experience.