do you see what i see?
In the wintertime, I love to go for walks on days that are gentler. Soon, Spring will be here and I will be able to enjoy walking more frequently. But until then, I’ll just relish the few warmer (or less cold) days we get to experience for now. I also love taking pictures of clouds during my walks. Especially when the skies are a beautiful blue and the clouds seem to tell a unique story to everyone who gazes towards the sky.
When I gaze upon the clouds, it’s not only to revel in their beauty, but mostly to “see what I can see:” Cloud divination is one of a few forms of Aeromancy (Divination using atmospheric events or conditions). I sometimes meditate on the messages. What messages are being communicated to me? What messages do I feel within? That considered, today’s inspiration could easily be a message about perception and/or interpretation, as I’m sure when each reader looks at this picture they can see something different in the formation of the clouds.
But today’s inspiration is more so about vision. Your vision for you and your life. Your vision for projects that you are working on. Your vision for creative endeavors you seek to bring to life. That repeating image in your mind that you desire to bring into form.
Your idea is amazing. Your vision is beautiful. Your plans are solid. The vision is plain before your mind’s eye. Just the sheer thought of it coming to physical life is electrifying. Only, when you communicated this vision to your family, friends or even a potential supporter or investor, it didn’t quite illicit the response you anticipated. While slightly disappointed at their reactions, you find yourself thinking “Surely, this is an amazing idea! Anybody in their right mind should be just as excited if they see what I’m really trying to do.” What you mean is, “If they could see what I see….”
But they can’t see what you see though. If they are in their minds, then they are in their right minds. But, you see, that’s just the thing. Isn’t it? They’re not in your mind. You received the vision in your mind, your heart and your spirit.
When we receive a vision about something great that has yet to be created, I always trust that it comes from a divine place. When it is planted, I further trust that it has been planted in fertile soil. (the ‘right’ mind for growth). Once it has been sown, it is up to the one who received the vision to nurture it for growth. Our vision must be housed within and throughout our entire being so that we can bring it into form.
While some people you share your ideas with may be unsupportive, others’ inability to see does not equate to lack of support. Nor should it be a factor in whether you decide to go further in your materialization of your vision. There will be people that do see your vision, but still may not be able to see it exactly the way you do. They won’t see exactly what you see or how you see it and that’s ok.
Some people need to see one layer or one step before they can begin to envision the rest. Others may need to see a project half way complete before they can bring it to their personal understanding. And yet, others may need to see it be fully manifested before they can appreciate it.
But YOU see it though. You feel it. The vision was made plain to you. It was dropped into the fertile soil of your consciousness. So water it. Nurture it. Give it life. Show the world; better than you can ever tell us. We’re here for it.
AFFIRM if you will:
I AM The Seed. I AM The Fertile Soil. I AM The Gardener. I AM The Harvest.